Marginalized Identities in Physics & Astronomy (MIPA) is dedicated to building a more inclusive, accessible, and equitable environment for students who identify with historically marginalized groups. To do this, we hosted a variety of programming for our community members. Our Women+, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ affinity groups helped graduate students of these identities form a community and create a sense of belonging within our department.
We also organize socials, including biweekly MIPA Teas, which provide a safe space for students to chat and share their experiences, our department-wide potluck, which brought students and faculty together to experience the different cultures and backgrounds that everyone brings to our community, and an Open House Barbecue to help prospective students feel welcome, represented, and encouraged to join our department. MIPA also performs outreach to our marginalized and transfer undergraduate students through the Critical Mentorship and Academic Strategies for Success (Critical MASS) program. Through our work there, we help to ensure that undergraduates have the resources they need to adjust more smoothly to our department, and have a place to get advice on important academic and career decisions.