Thank You to Our Donors

Arthur and Frances Peskoff

We are incredibly thankful to all of the steadfast supporters and champions of our department. We would also like to give special thanks to alumni:

Bryan L. Horning, PhD ’75

Arthur, PhD ’60 and Frances, MBA ’85 Peskoff

Astrid ’67 and Howard ’65, PhD ’74 Preston

Each made pioneering endowment gifts since our last newsletter was released in 2021 that will benefit our physics and astronomy community in positive ways for generations to come – safeguarding the future and providing the financial stability needed for effective strategic planning.

A Lasting Legacy Through Investment in Tomorrow’s Leaders

Estate gifts are a unique way to leave a legacy within the Department of Physics & Astronomy. Many of these gifts qualify for a 50% Dean’s Gift Match established during a donor’s lifetime.

The Bryan L. Horning Endowed Fund in Physics & Astronomy made possible through a generous estate gift from Bryan L. Horning, PhD ’75 will support undergraduate students (with a GPA of 3.6 or above) and graduate students (with a GPA of 3.8 and above) within the department, in perpetuity. We are excited to award many graduate students with this endowment, in addition to numerous undergraduate students who will be able to engage in critically important research opportunities made possible by this gift. Undergraduate research is an essential step along the path to graduate school, helps establish student confidence in their ability to thrive in the major, and deepens their understanding and identity as scientists.

Arthur, PhD ’60 and Frances, MBA ’85 Peskoff have kindly included UCLA in their estate plans to establish the Arthur and Frances Peskoff Endowed Graduate Fellowship which will support graduate students within the UCLA Galactic Center Group, selected on merit and financial need, under the direction of the Director of the UCLA Galactic Center Group. Supporting graduate students within physics and astronomy is of paramount importance to the department as it is quite literally investing in the future in the field – at UCLA and beyond! Graduate students are essential to the success of our Department, maintaining an exceptional educational experience for undergraduate students, helping faculty and groups making significant breakthroughs in their research and going on to be tomorrow’s great educators.

Donors who generously made $5,000+ gifts to the Department of Physics & Astronomy between July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Bryan L. Horning
Arthur and Frances Peskoff
Heising-Simons Foundation
California Association for Research in Astronomy
Howard and Astrid Preston
The Simons Foundation
The Brinson Foundation
Charles W. Clifford Jr.
Bob and Hilda Chow
The Kavli Foundation
Associated Universities, Inc.
Franklin and Karen Dabby
Robert L. Schneider
Donald and Sherie Morison / Morrison Family Fund
Jacqueline and Robin Crandall
John Engel
Martha B. Jura
Linkout, Inc.
Janet E. Marott
Egbert S. Tse
Ray and Linda Waddell
David and Patricia Aires
Dorothy P. Wong
Eric E. Becklin
Karoly Holczer
Edward S. Conger
Ronald and Jeryl Abelmann
Robert J. Altizer
Lawrence and Nancy Davis
Sheila, Dave and Sherry Gold Foundation
William J. Layton
Michael Thacher and Rhonda Rundle

Dean’s Gift Matching Funds

UCLA Physical Sciences Dean Miguel García-Garibay is dedicating resources from technological innovations developed by faculty to inspire others to give through the Physical Sciences Matching Gift Program, aimed at significantly transforming the future of UCLA Physical Sciences through endowed support. Endowed funds enable us to attract and support a broader pool of talent that fosters greater scientific accomplishments, promotes underrepresented communities that significantly benefit our society, and empowers our quest for excellence in education and research.

To learn how you can establish your legacy through an endowment to support and how to unlock a Dean’s Gift Match up to 50%, please contact Madeleine Martin at or (310) 882-3633.


Visionary Investment in Pioneering Faculty